Nina Weisling

Nina Weisling
- Chair, Education Department; Associate Professor of Education
Nina F. Weisling holds a Ph.D. in special education from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a master’s in elementary education with a concentration in special education from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, and a bachelor’s in health care policy from Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin.
Prior to working in higher education, Professor Weisling worked in public and charter schools in Chicago and Philadelphia, first as an educator (special and general education), case manager, and instructional coach, and later as the co-manager of the instructional coach team.
She previously was a faculty member at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee, Wis., and adjunct faculty at National Louis University in Chicago, Ill. Her research interests include mentoring and new teacher support, inclusive education, diversity and equity, and support for diverse learners and their teachers.
- Ph.D. — Special Education, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2013
- M.S.—Elementary Education (concentration in Special Education), 2005
- B.A. — Health Care Science, Lawrence University, 2003
- EDU 2050: Teaching and Supporting Learners with Diverse Characteristics and Needs
- EDU 2720: Fostering Engagement and Positive Behavior in the Classroom Grades 1-8
- EDU 3110: Comprehensive Assessment of Exceptional Learners
- EDU 3250: Effectively Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary/Middle School
- EDU 4090: Methods for Teaching Elementary Level Exceptional Learners
- Mentoring and new teacher support
- Inclusive education
- Diversity and equity
- Support for diverse learners and their teachers
- McDaniel-Hall, G. & Weisling, N.F. (2024). Safe, Seen, and ready to learn: The importance of belonging. Phi Delta Kappan Kappan, 105(7), 20-25. http://kappanonline.org/safe-seen-and-ready-to-learn/
- Gardiner, W., & Weisling, N.F. (2024). “It’s probably more comfortable for everyone”: Niceness as a factor in mentor decision making about inside practices. The Teacher Educator, 1-18. http://doi.org/10.1080/08878730.2024.2332688.
- Weisling, N.F. (2023). Dysregulated students need regulated adults. Educational Leadership, 81(3), 64-68. http://www.ascd.org/el/articles/dysregulated-students-need-regulated-adults
- Weisling, N.F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2023). Preparing educational leaders for special education: A call to the field. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 36(1), 4-16.
- Weisling, N. F. & Gardiner, W. (2022). No more nice mentors. Phi Delta Kappan 104(4), 42-47. http://doi.org/10.1177/00317217221142983
- Baker, A. & Weisling, N.F. (2022). Classroom vignettes shed light on cultural competence. The Learning Professional, 43(6), 36-41. http://learningforward.org/journal/disrupting-inequity/classroom-vignettes-shed-light-on-cultural-competence/
- Weisling, N.F. & Toson, A.L-M. (2020). Making inclusion a reality in ELA classrooms: Four practical ideas. Wisconsin English Journal, 62(1).
- Toson, A.L-M. & Weisling, N.F. (2020). Inclusive education: What every educator and school leader must know and do. In P.D. Keough (Ed.), Overcoming current challenges in the P-12 teaching profession. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
- Gardiner, W. & Weisling, N.F. (2020). Responsive mentoring: Supporting the teachers all students deserve. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. http://tinyurl.com/ResponsiveMentoring
- Weisling, N.F. & Braun, G. (2023, February). Special education isn’t always “nice”: Empowering special educators to advocate anyway. Scenario Planning Session accepted for the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting, Aurora/Denver, CO.
- Williams, S., & Weisling, N.F. (2023, February). Closing opportunity gaps through experiential learning experiences in urban schools. Poster Session at the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting, Aurora/Denver, CO.
- Braun, G., & Weisling, N.F. (2023, February). Addressing complexities: Preparing special educators for the field. Accepted for the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Aurora/Denver, CO.
- Williams, S. & Weisling, N.F. (2023, February). Pathway to teaching- Innovative and sustainable strategies for recruiting and retaining BIPOC educators. Presented at the 2024 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Aurora/Denver, CO.
- Gardiner, W. & Weisling, N.F. (2023, April). Whose comfort really counts?: Niceness as a barrior to mentoring for equity. Paper presented at 2023 AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
- Weisling, N. F., Barcus, C., & Braun, G. (2023, February). What are we “managing”? Shifting from classroom management to student success. Paper presented at 2023 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Williams, S. & Weisling, N. F. (2023, February). Community and collaboration: Building a pipeline of effective (urban) educators. Paper presented at 2023 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Williams, S. Hancock, M., Easley, J. & Weisling, N.F. (2022, November). Preparing Future Teachers for Success in Urban Schools. Presentation at the 2022 International Conference on Urban Education (ICUE) Biennial Meeting, Cancun, Mexico.
- Weisling, N.F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2022, April). What supports or inhibits development of inclusive practices?: Early career alternatively certified special educators’ perspectives. Paper Session at 2022 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
- Gardiner, W. & Weisling, N.F. (2022, April). When “nice” isn’t “just”: Exploring mentors’ decision making through the framework of niceness. Symposium at 2022 WERA Virtual Focal Meeting.
- Weisling, N.F. & Gardiner, W.G. (2022, March). (Not) nice mentors: Reimagining mentoring for change. Future Casting Session at AACTE 74th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Weisling, N.F. & Barcus, C. (2022, March). What are we ‘managing’? Shifting from classroom management to student success. Presentation at 2022 AILACTE Annual Meeting and Conference.
- Barucs, C., Weisling, N.F., & Braun, G. (2022, March). Rethinking equity-minded mentoring: Addressing fight, flight, freeze, or fragile responses. Future Casting Session at AACTE 74th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- Braun, G., Barcus, C., & Weisling, N.F. (2022, January). Equity-centric mentoring: Responding to fight, flight, freeze, or fragile reactions. Research-to-Practice Deep Dive at CEC 2022 nConvention & Expo, Orlando, FL. [Withdrew due to pandemic]
- Weisling, N.F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2021, April). Not what I expected: Self-efficacy and experiences in the inclusive classroom. Paper Session at 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
- Toson, A. L-M. & Weisling, N.F. (2021, April). Preparing educational leaders for special education: A call to the field. Paper Session at 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
- Toson, A.L-M. & Weisling, N.F. (2021, March). Competencies of effective special education leadership (SEL): Results from a statewide partnership. Poster Session at CEC 2021 L.I.V.E Conference, Virtual.
- Gardiner, W. & Weisling, N.F. (2021, April). (Not) nice work: Examining mentor’ decision-making through a framework of niceness. Round Table Session at 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.
- Weisling, N.F., Barcus, C., & Braun, G. (2021, February). Helping teachers recognize and challenge their assumptions and biases. Future Casting Session at AACTE 73rd Annual Meeting, Virtual.
- Weislng, N.F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2021, February). Inclusion for administrators: What your teachers wish you knew. Individual Paper Session at AACTE 73rd Annual Meeting, Virtual.
- Weisling, N. F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2020, April). A call to the field: Perspectives of inclusive special educators’ experiences and impacts on self-efficacy. Symposium Session at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, Virtual.
- Toson, A. L-M. & Weisling, N.F. (2020, April). Special education leadership preparation: Current special education leaders’ views of critical capacities for preparation programs. Paper Session at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, Virtual.
- Gardiner, W. & Weisling, N.F. (2020, April). Educative mentoring “inside” the action of teaching: How beliefs shape actions. Roundtable Session at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, Virtual.
- Weisling, N. F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2020, February). Preparing all educators to be inclusive educators. Data to Action presentation at the AACTE 72nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Becker, P. & Weisling, N. F. (2020, February). Arts integration and UDL: Options and alternatives for students with diverse learning needs. Future Casting presentation at the AACTE 72nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Weisling, N. F. & Toson, A. L-M. (2020, February). Inclusive teaching: Making an (open) marriage work. Presentation with Q & A at the CEC 2020 Convention & Expo, Portland, Oregon.